7 Lessons On Mindset That Everyone Should Know.

Credit: Freepik

1. When you enter a mindset, you enter a new world.

2. Actually, people with the fixed mindset expect ability to show up on its own, before any learning takes place.

3. Those with the growth mindset were the ones who showed the most character or heart. They were the ones who had the minds of champions.

4. People in a fixed mindset often run away from their problems.

5. You don’t get a growth mindset by proclamation. You move toward it by taking a journey.

6. As growth-minded leaders, they start with a belief in human potential and development both their own and other people’s.

7. Change can be tough, but I’ve never heard anyone say it wasn’t worth it.

Thanks for reading

Cr: @InspirationTipsTM


Credit: unsplash

1. PUBLIC SPEAKING: : public speaking is a skill, an it is an asset that will last for years. You may feel uncomfortable doing it because it’s a skill that can’t be learned in a day but with persistence and consistency you will become perfect in it an it will pay off in the future.

2. MANAGING YOUR TIME: Being busy doesn’t mean being effective! We are busier than any other generation in the last 300-400 years. Challenge your schedule an ask yourself if you are effective, are you mostly focusing on the things you have to do, or on the things you were created to do?

3. HAVING EMPATHY: You can be the most disciplined, brilliant and even wealthy individual in the world, but if you don’t care for, or empathize with other people, then you are basically nothing but a sociopath.

4. POSITIVE SELF TALK: It doesn’t matter what others think of you, but what you think of yourself certainly does. It takes time to build that level of confidence and ability to believe in yourself when nobody else does.

5. BEING HONEST WITH YOURSELF: Whatever you are doing you must be brutally honest with yourself especially in business. Always know that you compete with no one. Run your own race, know what you know an also be aware of what you do not know. Just focus on being good at what you do.

6. STOP COMPLAINING: You must learn to stop whining at what will happen, what will never happen, what we have or do not have, what somebody did or didn’t do. Practice a life of no whining, no criticising and no complaining.

7. FOCUS ON THE PRESENT MOMENT: Being in the present moment is where you will have the greatest control, where you will feel the most at ease, and where happiness flourishes. There is a super tight connection between happiness and the ability to live in the present moment. Staying present is the skill of having your mind in the moment, not in the past, not in the future, but right here.

8. BE CONSISTENT: Life is a journey, an success is not a one time action but a continuous process. There’s no time to mourn over your failures because this wastes time. But just pick yourself up an keep moving on. Success is not a destination, but a process of consistency of journey.

Credit @InspirationTipsTM

Lessons From Life

The Lessons that Life Has Taught Me.

  1. Working on yourself is a lot more satisfied than pleasing others.
  2. The reality is that you are the responsible for your present situation. So, stop blaming others.
  3. Love is not selfless. It also craves some expectations from you. But the love never ends even if you didn’t fulfil the expectations.
  4. Efforts are given but it is rarely realized by the other person.
  5. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
  6. If it’s still in your mind, it is worth taking the risk.
  7. You may not realize it until it is too late.
  8. If it is not working, forget it. You tried. It is the time to move on.

Father’s Day

…I now believe that God desires for EVERY father to courageously step up and do whatever it takes to be involved in the lives of his children. But more than just being there providing for them, he is to walk with them through their young lives and be a visual representation of the character of God, their father in heaven. A father should love his children, and seek to win their hearts. He should protect them, discipline them, and teach them about God. He should model how to walk with integrity and treat others with respect, and should call out his children to become responsible men and women, who live their lives for what matters in eternity. Some men will hear this, and mock it. Or ignore it. But I tell you that as a father, you are accountable to God for the position of influence he has given you. You can’t fall asleep at the wheel, only to wake up one day and realize that your job or your hobbies have no eternal value, but the souls of your children do. Some men will hear this and agree with it, but have no resolve to live it out. Instead, they will live for themselves, and waste the opportunity to leave a godly legacy for the next generation. But there are some men, who regardless of the mistakes we’ve made in the past, regardless of what our fathers did NOT do for us, will give the strength of our arms and the rest of our days to loving God with all that we are and to teach our children to do the same. And whenever possible to love and mentor others who have no father in their lives, but who desperately need help and direction. And we are inviting any man whose heart is willing and courageous, to join us in this resolution. In my home, the decision has already been made. You don’t have to ask who will guide my family, because by God’s grace, I will. You don’t have to ask who will teach my son to follow Christ, because I will. Who will accept the responsibility of providing and protecting my family? I will. Who will ask God to break the chain of destructive patterns in my family’s history? I will. Who will pray for, and bless my children to boldly pursue whatever God calls them to do? I am their father. I will. I accept this responsibility and it is my privilege to embrace it. I want the favor of God and his blessing on my home. Any good man does. So where are you men of courage? Where are you, fathers who fear the Lord? It’s time to rise up and answer the call that God has given to you and to say I will. I will. I will!

Credit: Alex Kendrick as Adam Mitchell – Courageous (2011).

Choose Your Battle Wisely

This snake crawled over a sharp saw and was cut. In anger, the snake wrapped the Saw with its thick body and squeezed the life out of the Saw.

With each angry squeeze, it felt more pain but continued because it wouldn’t let the Saw get away with the pain it caused. The snake, refusing to let go of the Saw, eventually died;

Not knowing the whole time, it needed to let go of the initial pain and focus on its future; where it was going.
Unfortunately, the snake eventually lost its life in anger and vengeance.

Not all battles are worth fighting. At times letting go is actually winning.
Control your anger. Forgive those that hurt you and move on.
Never give people or things power over you.


Infectious vibes of Ramadhan


With alot of unpreparedness we bid farewell to Ramadhan, it has been the slowing down for me ,the social media break ,the grounding myself without the fear of missing out. The level of intimacy that God has enabled me to have with him during Ramadhan that is so deep rooted into evaluating my spiritual growth as “people” an individual will always keep me on tiptoes to retain. It’s so easy to get so caught up in chasing life that we forget what real matters at the end of it all. So i take the “break ” to sermon myself to a period of self reflection, oh boy to say it’s worth all the effort is an understatement

Its no secret that fasting is my most beloved Islamic practice , for me it comes so easy because it resonates with my values as an individual. Everything about selfcare revolves around taking…

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Daily I see people go through life blindly, and they do that wilfully. Wilfully because they are scared or don’t want to ask question for fear of been seen as uninformed or weak, but the reality you uninformed if you don’t ask questions.

Questions can mean:

  1. a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
  2. a matter requiring resolution or discussion.

I love the first definition of question; you asked question to as to gain more information, to remove any ambiguity in order to gain more clarity.

To be successful or to learn more, you can run away from questions (and not silly questions) don’t be scared to ask questions.

I love this quote “When you know better, you do better” Maya Angelou.

Asking helps you gain clarity; it helps you shorten your journey, and it helps straighten your path to the top.

Jesus speaking in Matthew 7:7 charged his followers to always ASK, SEEK and KNOCK. I love to break the about as A(ask) S(seek) K(knock). This means asking is not something you do casually seeking and knocking requires conscious deliberate action.

Be intentional in living and all you, so learn to always ASK, a simple how can I do this can give almost 50% clarity.

Learn to ask WHY five (5).

My charge for you today is to always ASK.

Dismount The Dead Horse

Photo Credit: infoteam-consulting

Are you still forcing yourself get to keep doing what is not working?

If you are looking to achieve more by prioritizing your time, then you need to learn to dismount the dead horse.

If it is no more working, then stop forcing it, learn to know when to stop doing somethings and move move on.